One of the main reasons that menopause negatively affects women is the decline of estrogen production by the ovaries. Other systems compensate for this estrogenic decline. Continue reading
Healthy Baking Tips
How to Make Baking HealthyContinue reading
Children’s Cold and Flu Remedy
Does the return to school mean that your children have one cold or flu after the other? Our children’s immune systems are being taxed by busier school schedules, extra-curricular activities and continued exposure to other sick children. Continue reading
Post-Partum Diet Advice
Rebuild qi (energy): oats, mulitgrains (7-grain, kamut, barley etc) brown rice, wild rice, potato, sweet potato, mushroom (shitake etc), yam, basil, cinnamon, clove, dill, fennel, fenugreek(good for breast milk production), ginger, nutmeg, rosemary, thyme, jasmine tea
Rebuild Blood: sweet rice, beetroot, dark leafy greens, apricot, avocado, date, kidney bean, black sesame seeds, egg, soya milk, red meat, spinach, corn.Continue reading
Breast Health Quiz part 2:
If you answered three or more questions from either the liver, spleen or kidney section then please read the following:
A) Liver Health:
- Exercise or movement is vital for liver health. Exercise brings in new oxygen which helps oxygenate our cells. This constant circulation helps the liver function more effectively.
- Do you have a strong urge to create or express yourself artistically? Do you feel stuck in some aspect of your life? Think about areas of your life that constantly frustrate you or you repress.
- Avoid rigid rules and “shoulds”.Continue reading