Acupuncture Studies
The following are the results of some scientific studies showing the health benefits of acupuncture for menopausal symptoms:Continue reading
Acupuncture Studies
The following are the results of some scientific studies showing the health benefits of acupuncture for menopausal symptoms:Continue reading
The body has an innate ability to heal and to adjust to the natural changes that occur with aging. During menopause, the ovarian production of estrogen declines, yet other systems within the body work harder to produce more mild forms of estrogen and estrogen precursors called androgens.Continue reading
Simple dietary changes can help balance your hormones. Here are some simple tips:Continue reading
One of the main reasons that menopause negatively affects women is the decline of estrogen production by the ovaries. Other systems compensate for this estrogenic decline. Continue reading
If you answered three or more questions from either the liver, spleen or kidney section then please read the following:
A) Liver Health: